104 research outputs found

    A study of various load information exchange mechanisms for a distributed application using dynamic scheduling

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    We consider a distributed asynchronous system where processes can only communicate by message passing and need a coherent view of the load(e.g.,workload,memory) of others to take dynamic decisions (scheduling).We present several mechanisms to obtain a distributed view of such information,based eithe ron maintaining that view or demand-driven witha snapshot algorithm.We perform an experimental study in the context of a real application,an asynchronous parallel solver for large sparse systems of linear equationsNous considérons un système distribué et asynchrone où les processus peuvent seulement communiquer par passage de messages, et requièrent une estimation correcte de la charge (travail en attente, mémoire utilisée) des autres processus pour procéder à  des décisions dynamiques liées à  l'ordonnancement des tâches de calcul. Nous présentons plusieurs types de mécanismes pour obtenir une vision distribuée de telles informations. Dans un premier type d'approches, la vision est maintenue grâce à des échanges de messages réguliers; dans le deuxième type d'approches (mécanismes à  la demande ou de type snapshot), le processus demandeur des informations émet une requête, et reçoit ensuite les informations de charge correspondant à  sa demande. Nous expérimentons ces approches dans le cadre d'une application réelle utilisant des ordonnanceurs dynamiques distribués

    Task scheduling for parallel multifrontal methods

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    Abstract. We present a new scheduling algorithm for task graphs arising from parallel multifrontal methods for sparse linear systems. This algorithm is based on the theorem proved by Prasanna and Musicus [1] for tree-shaped task graphs, when all tasks exhibit the same degree of parallelism. We propose extended versions of this algorithm to take communication between tasks and memory balancing into account. The efficiency of proposed approach is assessed by a set of experiments on a set of large sparse matrices from several libraries

    Implementing multifrontal sparse solvers for multicore architectures with Sequential Task Flow runtime systems

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    International audienceTo face the advent of multicore processors and the ever increasing complexity of hardware architectures, programming models based on DAG parallelism regained popularity in the high performance, scientific computing community. Modern runtime systems offer a programming interface that complies with this paradigm and powerful engines for scheduling the tasks into which the application is decomposed. These tools have already proved their effectiveness on a number of dense linear algebra applications. This paper evaluates the usability and effectiveness of runtime systems based on the Sequential Task Flow model for complex applications , namely, sparse matrix multifrontal factorizations which feature extremely irregular workloads, with tasks of different granularities and characteristics and with a variable memory consumption. Most importantly, it shows how this parallel programming model eases the development of complex features that benefit the performance of sparse, direct solvers as well as their memory consumption. We illustrate our discussion with the multifrontal QR factorization running on top of the StarPU runtime system. ACM Reference Format: Emmanuel Agullo, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche and Florent Lopez, 2014. Implementing multifrontal sparse solvers for multicore architectures with Sequential Task Flow runtime system

    Multifrontal QR Factorization for Multicore Architectures over Runtime Systems

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    International audienceTo face the advent of multicore processors and the ever increasing complexity of hardware architectures, programming models based on DAG parallelism regained popularity in the high performance, scientific computing community. Modern runtime systems offer a programming interface that complies with this paradigm and powerful engines for scheduling the tasks into which the application is decomposed. These tools have already proved their effectiveness on a number of dense linear algebra applications. This paper evaluates the usability of runtime systems for complex applications, namely, sparse matrix multifrontal factorizations which constitute extremely irregular workloads, with tasks of different granularities and characteristics and with a variable memory consumption. Experimental results on real-life matrices show that it is possible to achieve the same efficiency as with an ad hoc scheduler which relies on the knowledge of the algorithm. A detailed analysis shows the performance behavior of the resulting code and possible ways of improving the effectiveness of runtime systems

    Exploiting a Parametrized Task Graph model for the parallelization of a sparse direct multifrontal solver

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    International audienceThe advent of multicore processors requires to reconsider the design of high performance computing libraries to embrace portable and effective techniques of parallel software engineering. One of the most promising approaches consists in abstracting an application as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of tasks. While this approach has been popularized for shared memory environments by the OpenMP 4.0 standard where dependencies between tasks are automatically inferred, we investigate an alternative approach, capable of describing the DAG of task in a distributed setting, where task dependencies are explicitly encoded. So far this approach has been mostly used in the case of algorithms with a regular data access pattern and we show in this study that it can be efficiently applied to a higly irregular numerical algorithm such as a sparse multifrontal QR method. We present the resulting implementation and discuss the potential and limits of this approach in terms of productivity and effectiveness in comparison with more common parallelization techniques. Although at an early stage of development, preliminary results show the potential of the parallel programming model that we investigate in this work

    Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear systems

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of designing a dynamic scheduling strategy that takes into account both workload and memory information in the context of the parallel multifrontal factorization. The originality of our approach is that we base our estimations (work and memory) on a static optimistic scenario during the analysis phase. This scenario is then used during the factorization phase to constrain the dynamic decisions. The task scheduler has been redesigned to take into account these new features. Moreover performance have been improved because the new constraints allow the new scheduler to make optimal decisions that were forbidden or too dangerous in unconstrained formulations. Performance analysis show that the memory estimation becomes much closer to the memory effectively used and that even in a constrained memory environment we decrease the factorization time with respect to the initial approach.Nous proposons des stratégies d'ordonnancement bi-critères, qui s'intéressent à la fois à la performance et à la consommation mémoire d'un algorithme parallèle de factorisation de matrices creuses, basé sur la méthode multifrontale. L'originalité de notre approche est que nous basons nos estimations mémoire sur un scénario optimiste (simulation lors de la phase d'analyse),qui est ensuite utilisé lors de la factorisation pour contraindre les décisions dynamiques d'ordonnancement. Un nouvel ordonnanceur a été implanté, qui prend en compte ces nouvelles contraintes. De plus, la performance a été améliorée parce que notre nouvelle approche permet à l'ordonnanceur de prendre des décisions meilleures, qui étaient interdites ou trop dangereuses auparavant. Une analyse de performance montre que les estimations mémoire sont beaucoup plus proches de la mémoire effectivement utilisée, et que le temps de factorisation est amélioré de façon significative par rapport à l'approche initiale

    MulTreePrio: Scheduling task-based applications for heterogeneous computing systems

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    National audienceEffective scheduling is crucial for task-based applications to achieve high performance in heterogeneous computing systems. These applications are usually represented by directed acyclic graphs (DAG). In this paper, we present a dynamic scheduling technique for DAGs intending to minimize the overall completion time of the parallelized applications. We introduce MulTreePrio, a novel scheduler based on a set of balanced trees data structure. The assignment of tasks to available resources is done according to priority scores per task for each type of processing unit. These scores are computed through heuristics built according to a set of rules that our scheduler should fulfil. We simulate the scheduling on three DAGs coming from numerical kernels with different configurations and we compare its behavior with both dynamic schedulers and static scheduling techniques based on the critical path. We show the efficiency of our scheduler with an average speedup of x2 with respect to the dynamic scheduler and x0,99 compared to the critical path-based scheduler. MulTreePrio is promising and in future works, it will be integrated into a task-based runtime system and tested in real-life scenarios

    Fast and Accurate Simulation of Multithreaded Sparse Linear Algebra Solvers

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    International audienceThe ever growing complexity and scale of parallel architectures imposes to rewrite classical monolithic HPC scientific applications and libraries as their portability and performance optimization only comes at a prohibitive cost. There is thus a recent and general trend in using instead a modular approach where numerical algorithms are written at a high level independently of the hardware architecture as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) of tasks. A task-based runtime system then dynamically schedules the resulting DAG on the different computing resources, automatically taking care of data movement and taking into account the possible speed heterogeneity and variability. Evaluating the performance of such complex and dynamic systems is extremely challenging especially for irregular codes. In this article, we explain how we crafted a faithful simulation, both in terms of performance and memory usage, of the behavior of qr_mumps, a fully-featured sparse linear algebra library, on multi-core architectures. In our approach, the target high-end machines are calibrated only once to derive sound performance models. These models can then be used at will to quickly predict and study in a reproducible way the performance of such irregular and resource-demanding applications using solely a commodity laptop

    Robust memory-aware mappings for parallel multifrontal factorizations

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    International audienceWe study the memory scalability of the parallel multifrontal factorization of sparse matrices. In particular, we are interested in controlling the active memory specific to the multifrontal factorization. We illustrate why commonly used mapping strategies (e.g., the proportional mapping) cannot provide a high memory efficiency, which means that they tend to let the memory usage of the factorization grow when the number of processes increases. We propose “memory-aware” algorithms that aim at maximizing the granularity of parallelism while respecting memory constraints. These algorithms provide accurate memory estimates prior to the factorization and can significantly enhance the robustness of a multifrontal code. We illustrate our approach with experiments performed on large matrices

    Programmation parallèle à base de tâches pour algorithmes passant à l'échelle : application au produit de matrices

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    Task-based programming models have succeeded in gaining the interest of the high-performance mathematical software community thanks to how they relieve part of the burden of developing and implementing distributed-memory parallel algorithms in an efficient and portable way. In increasingly larger, more heterogeneous clusters of computers, these models appear as a way to maintain and enhance more complex algorithms. However, task-based programming models lack the flexibility and the features that are necessary to express in an elegant and compact way scalable algorithms that rely on advanced communication patterns. We show that the Sequential Task Flow paradigm can be extended to write a compact yet efficient and scalable General Matrix Multiplication. This extension required few modifications to the StarPU runtime system. The final implementation is shown to be competitive up to 32,768 cores with state-of-the-art libraries and may outperform them on some specific problem configurations.Les modèles de programmation à base de tâches ont réussi à susciter l'intérêt de la communauté des logiciels mathématiques de haute performance grâce à la manière dont ils soulagent une partie du fardeau que représentent le développement et la mise en œuvre efficace et portable d'algorithmes parallèles à mémoire distribuée. Dans des grappes d'ordinateurs de plus en plus grandes et hétérogènes, ces modèles apparaissent comme un moyen de développer et maintenir des algorithmes plus complexes. Cependant, les modèles de programmation basés sur les tâches manquent de flexibilité et les caractéristiques nécessaires pour exprimer de manière élégante et compacte des algorithmes passant à l'échelle se basant sur des schémas de communication avancés. Nous montrons que le paradigme de flot de tâches séquentiel (STF) peut être étendu pour écrire une multiplication matricielle passant à l'échelle. Cette extension a nécessité peu de modifications au système d'exécution StarPU. L'implantation finale est compétitive jusqu'à 32 768 cœurs avec les bibliothèques de pointe et peut même les surpasser dans certaines configurations spécifiques
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